Why They Have Been Successful – 7 Hours Left






In case you didn’t know I have been running a little guinea pig trial within my business to see if we can implement some of the learning I have been undertaking………


This has mainly centred this time around the fat on the midrift……with awesome results thus far…….

You will have seen Mark last week…..5.5 inches off the waist in 26 days!

(Mark did this interview- watch him here- )

Rachel– a mum of 3 and right in the midst of planning a wedding (this Saturday) had lost 5 inches in 21 days up to last Sunday.

( Rachel took time out at the end of a session to tell us how she was doing – here )

Sue– last time we measured she had lost 3 inches in 14 days.

……..There are a couple more who have lost 4 + inches too.


So How Did They Do It?


Well……obviously it is all part of a well thought out plan with step by step instructions and support that all successes need.


But here are a few of the reasons I believe that this has been so successful so far:


  1. Fructose Reduction In Days 1-14– yep the body unfortunately doesn’t utilise fructose  well. In fact too much of it will see blood sugar levels rocket and we get a huge insulin response. Now with the liver over burdened it will struggle to metabolise the fats that it should be leaving it over worked and stressed. This organ, alongside the brain is crucial for fat loss. Sugar is a HUGE stress on the body…..so if you want to start shedding fat round the middle…..be careful how much sugar and importantly fructose is in your food.


  1. Short Bursts Of Whole Body Exercises……..one of the biggest mistakes many people make is trying to spot reduce with exercises.  You can certainly make a muscle very strong by isolating it and placing it under load. To get the maximum metabolic effect I suggest you use big movements that involve multiple joints in one go. We also have found that pairing upper body with lower body exercises very useful in improving the ability to recover from a period of work and getting more work done in the same period….thus increasing power.


  1. Nutrient Timing– yep easy to get wrong and unless you study nutrition like I do I wouldn’t expect you to know about this. What has blown me away is some of the questions my clients have been asking on this trial.  I have been advising these clients to get there post training meal to include the carbohydrates such as sweet potato, brown rice, quinoa , oats, berries ………. With protein sources such as eggs, turkey, chicken, beef, vegan protein powders. What we want to do post training ( 1-2 hours) is limit fats so that the uptake of protein is rapid and the recovery is optimal ….limiting the stress on  the body and enhacing fat loss. A stressed body and mind will not be healthy let alone loss fat!


  1. Alkalising Drinks— bacteria and viruses thrive in acidic conditions. Infact that is how we get sick. So what I did was give my clients alkaline based drinks which included many greens. I know a greens drink doesn’t sound amazing but you can make one so easily and get it to taste great with a few berries. If we alkalise the blood we will improve oxygen uptake, skin quality and energy levels. I have had one lady actually tell me that she gets an energy rush 30 mins post greens drink this week. Believe me there are no added sugar cubes in my recipes! This is the greens powder that I recommend.


  1. A Desire To Change– last but not least ……..I actually interviewed all of these people to see how much  they wanted it…..they had to apply for  a place. I had over 30 applicants and chose 5 in the end. They all shared one thing a real desire to change , and they wanted it badly! Not just a 4 week wonder but an education in how to live a more energised life and be the best version of themselves for themselves and for the people around them.



So there you go……… I have also included the early bird link below for the 6 week programme that I am running ONLINE starting Monday 1st September. This link is valid ‘til midnight Tuesday 26th August or until 10 people have used it.


It will be ideal if you want:


–       better skin

–       to be in the best health you can be

–       to shift between 7-24lbs of body fat

–       drop 1-2 dress sizes (if you need to you will)

–       to improve energy levels

–       muscle tone all over but expect to flatten that stomach!


Ok, that’s it for today…….even if you don’t get a place on my programme please take action on this advice………


My Best



Matt 🙂


p.s. The programme link is HERE and I will be in contact on Thursday before we go next monday 🙂