Why ‘Separating’ Is Going To Help You

Separation …… a word that gets used in negative ways more often than not……


The last 3 days I have been away from Jo and Dealer (the dog…..not a recreational supplier I might add) whilst studying for my masters degree in Chester.


Actually I have been so lucky to spend the last 3 days with Don MacClaren.

If you google him, you will see he has worked with Olympic atheltes, premiership football and rugby clubs and basically is regarded as one of the top sports nutritionists in the world!


I don’t mess about when it comes to my education…..For me everything I do in my business and work is about SEPARATION …..


DAY IN DAY OUT….moving forward, just 1% better every day is fine for me……be the player with the ball, get the best results, help my clients improve their life and aim to make a positive difference EACH and EVERY time we meet.

To the point……


Many people often spend too long in a place or state they shouldn’t be and they just don’t take action and DO the things that are necessary to move away and separate themselves.


They talk about losing weight, they moan about being surrounded by negative people, complaining about having no energy and being in pain!


Now all of the above issues are totally fine…..so long as YOU DO something about it!


You know how frustrating it can be when you are around someone who has a partner who doesn’t respect them and they wont do something about it….You just find yourself saying ………. “just tell them to x,y,z”



So here are three things you can DO to separate yourself from body fat. Now I am going to assume you know that you should be eating clean, whole natural foods,…avoiding cereal….drinking water and being asleep by 10pm 5 nights per week. If you read my blogs often enough you should know that!



  1. Do not let your mind control your actions……your thoughts are not things. Its amazing the amount of people who engage in negative self talk around exercise, nutrition and the habits they are in. If you want to shift fat, this is the first thing you need to address. Ask yourself WHY, at least 3 times and write it down. This helps you get a better understanding of what you REALLY want….believe me now…..its NOT about the scales! Its probably more to do with how you feel when you go on holiday this year, how you look naked and perhaps so you don’t feel like a let down of a partner because you don’t have the energy to do cool things, or the unfit parent in the park or at the school gates with the children.


  1. Make sure your protein intake is at a minimum of 0.8g/kg of body mass per day. In reality if you are active or train this will be more like 1.2-2g per day. Without getting all sciency, protein helps the body to metabolise fats after training. To give you a few examples a 100g of smoked salmon contains about 22g of protein, a whole large egg about 7-9g……. if you want to work out your protein intake a great app to use is Myfitnesspal. You can enter a food in there and it will give you the breakdown.


  1. Snacking…..yep a topic of great discussion amongst people interested in losing fat. My advice is either an extension of your main meal, provided that the meal is predominantly proteins and fats and if you are having some carbohydrates with that meal, make sure they are not too sugary or Low GI. GI just describes how fast the sugar in the food gets absorbed by the small intestine. Foods such as sweet potato, brown rice, broccoli, peppers, cherries are all low GI foods. Things like dates and dried fruits tend to be high GI and if you aren’t using those immediately then you will store them as fats.


One more…..if you are looking to burn fat…….there is a ninja trick you can do which most people don’t know about. Take protein (45-60 mins) before training……..and not carbohydrates….this drives up fat burning.


We use a few really simple strategies and tasty recipe ideas to help people make these changes.


So go on separate yourself and get started today. But please start with step one, because your mindset is key!


If you feel you need a kick start on this and you want more help just email me on info@fa-fitness.co.uk if you want 1-1 help or if you want to get started we have an online programme starting on Monday which you can apply for that using the link below. There are 4 places left so don’t hang about.




Matt “separation isn’t all bad” Luxton