SSB’s & 10 VIP Health Passes


Did you have any thoughts on the Blast Food – Fast Food The Blast Way….. I sent you yesterday?

If you missed it…here it is on my blog

Part of the problem as I mentioned yesterday is sugar……

I have been doing a fair bit of reading around this for a while,

and I have actually just written a piece of the worrying trend that


One of the worrying facts I found from a large study was that

approximately 260 calories are added to the daily consumption for

those people who drink them.

That’s the equivalent of almost a days allowance per week for a

man, let alone children.

Any way here is the article if you want to check it out. It’s

written for my masters in nutrition and exercise science so please

bear with the sciencey language…..but I wanted to share it with you

in any case.

——–10 VIP Health and Fitness Passes——-

This could be the best gift you have ever given or will ever give 

your friend!

I have a bit of an offer that you may wish to share with a friend

who needs a “kick” in the right direction…… that is we are opening

our doors for one week to 10 lucky VIP’s to come and try the Blast

Fitness Camps way on April 7th…….It is a one off offer as we only

normally offer it to friends of our current members.


So if you know someone who might be crying out for this kind of

help, with summer only just around the corner then please send them

to this page, so that they can apply for a place.



So there we have it…..stay away from those sugary beverages if you want to feel great, save huge dentist bills and look great this



Remember if you need anything just use this email address



Matt “ no coke” Luxton