A Podcast Interview, How Rich has lost 24lbs & A 7 Day Free Trial

I hope you are well, on Sunday I had a chat with the host of AgriCast Podcast Karol Deveaney.

We chatted all things world records, training, health, lifestyles and lockdown strategies for staying healthy.

Listen HERE

Success Story

Rich is now down 24lbs…… after losing the initial 18lbs in his first 6 weeks with us.

BUT way more than that …..

We chatted about his improving




and losing a bit of weight….


Got him kickstarted with eating healthily again and how the accountability and group atmosphere helped him keep it sociable.

“anyone can do it, if they want to do it”……. there you go…..

7 Day Trial Starting Next Monday

(For those not currently being coached by us).


We were offering the opportunity to get involved with our Free 7 Day At Home Coronavirus Challenge!


We know some people will be having to self-isolate and may be struggling to stay fit and healthy.


So to tackle this, what we want to do is offer you the opportunity to come and join us for an online only 7 day challenge.


It’s completely free of charge, with no financial commitment whatsoever.


We are going to run this purely through a Facebook group, it’s going involve;


> accountability and support


> nutrition coaching


> meal plans and recipe ideas


> a daily workout that you can follow along to with minimal equipment needed and not needing much space


The goal of this Free 7 Day At Home Coronavirus Challenge is to help you to;


> improve your physical and mental health


> lose a few pounds


> improve your fitness


> build up a resilience so you can be the best version of you whilst everything is going on and give yourself the best fighting chance to be a resilient human being to any virus or anything that comes your way


We are going to be looking to start this from Monday 25th May.


What to do next


1. Click the link below to take you into the facebook group.

2. Follow the steps once inside the group.

Hope to see you there


Link is here: – https://www.facebook.com/groups/701205333950923/


Hope to see you there

Matt  : )