1/4 of 2016…Broken Promises?

Just do what you said you were going to do……life is much less stressful that way!



Keeping promises to yourself.


How hard is that?


Especially when so many things in life

are going on.


Did you follow through on the nutrition

changes you said you’ll make beginning

of this year?


What about the workouts you’ll do every



So 3 months …yep a 1/4 of 2016 has already gone……how many excuses have you heard about why targets aren’t being met and actions aren’t being taken……???


Did “I’ll just skip it today” turn into going

back to your default, which is struggle?

I get it. The “I will start next Monday syndrome”…..


I’ve done it before I am sure…..


You see, self-esteem is really promises

that we make to ourselves and keep

(or don’t). Like a bank account – when

you keep a promise you get a credit,

and when you don’t you go into debt.


Whenever you brake promises to yourself

enough times – your self esteem gets knocked!


THEN…Not starting on Monday, is like a form of self torture.


And the only way to get it back is to follow

through on what you said you would.


Life is far less stressful when we do what we said we were going to do.


Easier said than done….


The FIRST thing you must do is first get very

clear and honest on what it will take for you

to change.


Be ruthlessly honest here. What will it take

for you to change?


I’d have you consider that the missing

link may be….






I do best when I am accountable to people I love,

respect, and don’t want to let down.


I have a training partners Paul, Rich, Mark and Dan

which keeps me from missing training even after

14 hour work days.


I have a coach that keeps me accountable

to what I said I’d do – Will Newbery


I have accountability from my coaches and clients

in what I promised I’ll do.


If I make a promise to my family I’ll do whatever to make it happen because it will hurt less than letting them down.


I’m not perfect but realising this has

changed how I operate and what I




To me, letting people I love down is 

the worst pain there is! I’ll do anything

to avoid it – and so it pushes me to take

action and keep taking action



I surround myself (and encourage my clients to)

with people that will hold

me accountable to what I said I

would do. People I really like, love and respect for what they achieve.


Only you can tell what it will take for you to

finally follow through and change the things

that are holding you back to get what you want.


What must you do to make this change for good?

Often the changes needed aren’t that far away from

Us, but we put barriers up!


“ ah I don’t know if I will be able to stick at this”


“ I am not sure if I can commit”


“I am not fit enough”


” I feel too old to get fit”


” I am too tired and feel sluggish”


ALL OF THE ABOVE….when you look at them…are not reasons to continue doing the same thing….

and expect different results are they?




I’d have you consider that it is being

accountable to someone – a coach.


If you know it’s time to change your body and

never look back click below to apply to our

risk free 6 Week Blast Kickstart..


6 Week Blast Kickstart……its ready for now….


When you commit to us, we commit to you

and I take that to heart, we hold nothing back in trying to help you

make a lifestyle change.


End of …


Matt ” reduce stress by doing what you said you were going to ” Luxton


p.s. check out this review I had come in from a lady who finished the last 6 week programme on Friday last week.